This brief describes the findings and program implications from a study designed to develop critical knowledge on “what works” to improve the well-being of children affected by HIV and AIDS.  Community-based home visiting, in which care workers provide a range of support services during regular visits to the child’s home, is an increasingly popular service delivery approach in South Africa. However, there is enormous variation in how home visiting programs are implemented.  The aim of the study is to evaluate the relative impact on child wellbeing of a range of home visiting models.


Focusing on 13 program sites in KwaZulu-Natal, this report describes the support offered by Isibindi Child and Youth Care Workers (CYCWs) to beneficiary families as well as changes in key measures of children’s wellbeing over a two year period. We further examine differences in the provision of care and support services and changes in wellbeing between beneficiaries at high- and lower-functioning Isibindi sites, according to NACCW’s own site assessment process.
