Guide 1: This guide details recommended contents for an OVC program case study report. Ideally, it should serve as a reference prior to information gathering in the field as well as during the report development. This guide begins with a case study report outline and then provides details on suggested content under the broad categories of setting the stage, methodology, program description, program stakeholders, lessons learned, future directions and final touches.
Guide 2: In this series was specifically designed to aid stakeholders in gathering the information needed to complete the case study report. It begins with an overview of various information-gathering techniques including: document review, in-depth interviews with key informants, focus groups, and the direct observation of program activities. Suggestions on selecting focal sites for the case study and guidance on synthesizing information are also provided.
Guide 3: This document offers a wealth of additional material designed to complement the practical guidance contained in the first two Case Study Guides, including tools for writing the case study report and conducting fieldwork. Specifically, this guide contains resources including descriptions of activities and services common to OVC programs, sample interview guides, practical advice on planning and conducting focus groups, a guardian consent form for child participation, a photography consent form, and a sample OVC case study description handout to share with stakeholders.